Red Sky at Night (Home in the stars, #0.5) Read online

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  The Old Earth saying had survived thousands of years to be quoted here this night, somewhere in a desert on a planet in another galaxy. He supposed it might be a truism. He'd never thought about it, and Taarken only had one ocean. It was very far from here, and far from his own experience. Brinn had a book on sailing and Old Earth. The kind with paper pages and the musty smell of age.

  Brinn loved to read to him, curled up at night on the day bed on their roof till dawn sometimes. He sighed contentedly with his mind full of her, what she liked, what she hated. He didn't even know it all, and he couldn't wait to find out.

  He reached behind and took her hand, and pulled her around to stand with her back to his front, arms captured by his over hers. Her flowing white dress splayed around them like tissue paper dancing in the breeze or butterfly wings.

  "That's my favorite dress so far."

  "We'll see if you like it later. It was the very devil to get on. I'm betting it's as hard to get off."

  Using his body to shield them, he bunched a hand in her skirt at her hip, and whispered, "I can manage to get in there, I promise you."

  She leaned back into him. "Have I told you that I love when you make promises like that because you always keep them.

  Are you sure you're up for what we're about to do, Arden?"

  She raised her worried face to his. He looked over at his sister where she gave the barest smile to one of the band.

  "We have to get started sometime. Might as well be now. I worry about her though."

  He felt Brinn's nod against his chest. "I do, too. She's in so much pain it makes me feel like a criminal to feel this happy."

  He touched her face in the dimming light of the sunset and the growing lights on the roof as they were turned on to meet the darkness.

  "It will pass, Mrs. Badu. She'll be happy again, and so will we." He nodded toward the sunset that now blazed in shades of red where the darkness was falling fast. "Red sky at night, remember?"

  He kissed her again, until he heard the hoots of the party guests calling them back from their own little world. As they rejoined the celebration, he took another look at the vivid night sky, and realized he didn't even feel its call like he used to. He'd lost that need to fly, to be among the stars. He was content right here on the ground with Brinn.


  Did you love Red Sky at Night? Then you should read Home from the Sea by Jolie Mason!

  Ra'dan Sevarus inherited the Carry Bell, and it seems a destiny right along with it. He's called home to his home world to deal with family drama, and walks right into a revolution, a changed world and the arms of the most beautiful human he's ever seen.

  Dr. Nina Quell runs a local clinic for the indigenous of Brin, the most populated of the three planets. She also happens to have family drama of her own, but hers happens on a slightly more galactic scale. Her sister rules the Imperium of planets with an iron fist.

  All they have to do is save a planet from slavery, dodge a controlling empress, and not get killed. That's all.

  Read more at Jolie Mason’s site.

  Also by Jolie Mason

  Brother Assassins

  Brother Mine

  Home in the stars

  Red Sky at Night

  Home is the Sailor

  Home from the Sea

  Home from the hill

  The 47th Lancers

  Riding Redemption

  Seeking Redemption

  Redemption Burning

  Redemption's Requiem

  Redemption Lost


  Fair Trade

  Home in the Stars Box Set

  Watch for more at Jolie Mason’s site.